Summer Daze

My second Summer here is in full swing. The garden is in full bloom and our love has grown with it. Seeing something you dreamed of come to fruition is the real magic. At the beginning of the year I told myself and the wolf that our garden would be filled with medicinal flowers & herbs that would grow along side our vegetables. I wanted to make the switch to only using homemade oils from our homegrown herbs in my blends, and now here we are. It’s important to me that our home be filled with holistic remedies for whatever comes our way, and I’m happy to be offering them here as well. 

Most of our meals have consisted of at least one course made from things we grew ourselves, and hopefully by the end of summer every meal will have home grown elements in every part. If we’re not growing it, chances are someone on the property is, and you know we love a good barter & trade system. 

The peppers and zucchini have burst to life (as can be expected) and our medicinal flowers were not far behind. Our shelves are quickly filling with jars of dried calendula, yarrow, chamomile, electric daisies and so much more. While a lot of these will be saved for personal use, I’ll be adding a few dried herbs to the shop before the end of the season, and many of them have already made their way into some oily blends that are available now. I just restocked on my Calendula + Pepper oil blend, only this time it’s made entirely from homegrown flowers. My Rose + Patchouli salve is also back in stock and made with rose oil from our crop, & I added a new unscented blend made from Yarrow we grew as well. Tonight I slathered our hands in Calendula + Rose salve I whipped up yesterday, and if all goes well it too will be available this month.

I’ve been busy since getting back from our trip to Texas, which was a total dream. It’s easy to just lounge around for the last few days of your vacation, but for me it means work, and I’m not mad about it. I’ve had plans for new potions for weeks, but with trip planning and everything else I seceded to just let the herbs sit in their oil baths a little longer. It was worth the wait. I’ve been buzzing around the studio putting together new blends, restocking old favorites and just enjoying the bounty of our garden. My herb rack is full, the oils I’ve had sitting for weeks have been strained and processed, and everything just feels good. 

Aside from all the work in the garden, we’ve just been watching our flock grow. They’ve been free range for a month now and are just absolutely hilarious. It might not be ideal having to power wash to deck every few days to keep the flies away, but walking out the door and being greeted by these feathered faces is something I didn’t think I could enjoy as much as I do. It’s all part of this little homestead we’ve built and I am so glad for it. 
Now that things are restocked I’ll be stepping back and focusing on our garden for a bit, social media takes a huge toll on small business owners and I’m finding that breaks are very necessary. So expect bursts of posts and reels, maybe some daily stories, and updates about upcoming events, as I’ll be putting more energy into in-person sales (like Pop-ups!) and less into creating content for the internet. The old ways are the best ways, as far as I’m concerned. 

Thanks for sticking around, make sure to follow me on Instagram for Shop news and a lot of garden pictures. 

Not sorry. 




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