Cooped Up

Well, it’s been raining for a few days, but let me tell you, things are looking pretty good for our little homestead. We finally got some chicks, our starts are just waiting for some warmer weather to be transplanted, and the garden beds are ready to go. We planned on getting some stuff in the ground this week, but like I said, it’s raining. So I’ve been inside a lot. In between planning what our chicken coop is going to look like once the weather warms up, I’ve been busy. 

We don’t mind the rain too much. When it's cold out the wolf and I are much more likely to stay inside together when we get the chance. We're both tinkerers if you will, and we like to keep ourselves busy. While we're working towards a common goal, we have different parts in getting this pace ready to be a full on farm, so we find ourselves on opposite ends of the property working a lot of the time. Rainy weather means we stay inside, cook good food and catch up on a few movies. A little vacation before the busy spring season begins. It also gives me a reason to work in the studio. And let me tell you, I got some stuff done this week. I made about a million trips to the check in the chicks throughout the week, but any time I wasn’t staring at them like a child, I was working. When I started this business in 2018, ritual tealights were one of my staple products. I brought them back a few months ago, and as of right now there are two new styles available, Black Frankincense & Lavender, and Jasmine & Golden Myrrh. They burn slowly and evenly, and aside from the resins and herbs they are unscented, so you can adorn them with whatever you’d like. They even come with a tiny dropper bottle to fill with your favorite oil. I decided to list them all together, you can see them here .

One thing about the weather still being a little cool, it does make me want to burn more candles. So it’s got me in the making mood. Last month I added 1 single vintage container candle and it sold right away. So this time around I sourced non stop, loaded up on vintage glass, and there are plenty to go around. There are a couple OOAK pieces, but I lucked out on a couple of styles, including these vintage carnival glass teacups, and there are three or more of each one. 

There are also a few new vintage brass items, but really I’m most excited about my newest skincare product. I’m calling it Golden Healer, and it is packed full of some of my favorite ingredients. If you’ve tried and loved my Coffee & Myrrh oil, this one is right up you alley. Made with the same coffee infused oil, but without coconut oil, with added turmeric, and essential oils of tea tree, frankincense & myrrh. I made it for painful pumps, swollen pimples, and under eye bags and discoloration. You just slather some on for a while, wash it off and go. I made it it some golden tins because I though it was cute, but then realized I might not want it on my hands and that an easier to apply seemed like a good idea, so I made a few in push up cardboard tubes as well. A curse really, because now I want all of my salves in them. You can find this one here .

We’ve been managing to keep busy while the weather is cool, but I expect to be busy as all hell over the next few weeks. I’ll be restocking a few sold out items, and maybe adding a few macrame plant hangers, but I’m thinking next months entry will probably be all about chickens. See you then.  


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