True Loves Face

January is almost over.

We spent the month planning the garden, the wolf built a half dozen large planter beds from repurposed materials, and we stocked up on seeds. Even without officially celebrating Imbolc, we find ourselves doing little things in preparation for the midwinter celebration. The winter months are really mild here, so it’s hard to not start the garden planning early with these warm sunny days. It means we have to be extra patient, and learn to just relax and any this season if hibernation. To keep my handles busy and out of the dirt, I’ve been making plant hangers for a local plant shop, and mixing perfume oils in all of my very little spare time. I won’t be adding plant hangers to the shop until March, but the oils have finally made their way. 

I’ve been making my own perfumes for years, and I’m happy to finally be making them available here. I know a lot of people make and sell roller blends, so I know this is nothing new or ground breaking, but I wanted to share my favorite blends and bottles here, so that’s what’s happening. 
Most of my blends are named after songs that mean something special to me. I’m starting this years collection with True Loves Face, named for the Erin Rae song. It gives me warm and fuzzy feelings, and the oil blend does too. Made with essential oils of Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Wild Orange a real Vanilla to name a few. I filled the bottles with organic dried jasmine, and the basin 10ml roller bottle option comes with a genuine bloodstone roller, a symbol of courage and creativity. It’s known to clear mental blocks and let the good stuff in. It’s also a crystal of Imbolc, as is moss agate, which you’ll find in my new Personal Space spray, WILD

               Made with similar oils, and the addition of Palo Santo & Cedarwood, this scent is meant to remind us of our roots. Each bottle contains natural moss agate, a crystal known for strengthening your connection to the earth. It’s has strong ties to abundance, and is said to be helpful for anyone working in agriculture and gardening. Something I feel is a perfect representation of Imbolc, as we’ve reached the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. We’re preparing our soil, composting, weeding, cleaning, and getting ready for the first blooms of spring. 

We’re also doing a little extra smoke cleansing on days we can leave the doors and windows open. The sun comes pouring in through the big window in our little studio space. It warms up the seeds I have on my workbench, and I long for warmer days outside. For now, I’m happy to sit in the sun warmed room and tinker. We’re working on a few tinctures and salves, smokeable tea blends, and a few other things I don’t want to give away to soon. 

New vintage items have also made their way back into the shop as I’ve managed to squeeze in a little thrifting around work. I found this beautiful vintage glass leaf tray recently, it has faded 22k gold around the rim, and I think it’s just the perfect dish for smudging. So much so, that I’ll be sending some Palo Santo to whoever scoops her up. If you’re not into smudging, it looks also lovely as a trinket or ring dish. You can snag her here. This and other vintage items are available now.

Everything I added to the shop today is there because it felt right for the season. February is a month to celebrate our love for the earth, ourselves and each other. We’ve been preparing plant, and soon we will bloom. We’ve been practicing the art of watering our souls here. Daily rituals and a lot of rest. Tons of  tea, good food, good music, good love. I hope you’re all in space you can grow, like the one I’ve found here. 

Have a blessed Imbolc folks. Thanks for stopping by as always. 



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