Fools Gold

Well, here we are. It's been a year since my last entry here, and I should have so much to say,  but I find myself sitting here, at a loss for words. This last year has been a very different year than expected. I moved out of my home of seven years, and then moved again into the space where I am currently putting down my roots. These roots that seem to have been waiting for this place. Last year was hard. It forced us to look into ourselves and come to terms what really felt like home. I put most of my creative energy on hold, and started working full time again. While I'm still doing that as the world becomes increasingly unpredictable and completely predictable all at once, I've finally found the time and inspiration to get back to what I'm passionate about, and it came with some big changes.

In 2018, I opened my little online shop officially, after years of making and selling ointments, oils and soaps around town. I added locally grown smudge bundles and wands, fiber art, including dreamcatchers and weavings, and silver wrapped local quartz pendants. Within the first couple years it grew into something magical with everything from handmade candles to vintage alter décor. I moved  from weaving onto macramé, and stayed put for a bit. But recently I began to feel like the fiber market was a little over saturated, and realized I had moved too far from my true roots, and so it's time to bring back all the magic.

Over the last 6 months I've been shifting things a bit. Sharing a little bit more about myself on social media, as I get back to feeling more like myself than I have in a really long time. I spent a lot of time in the past trying to fit into a certain mold. I just wasn't in the right place. I'm here now, and things are starting to feel right again. I'm surrounded by a feeling I can't explain. I'm filled to the brim with love and a deep desire to see how far I can take this thing. I went back to the beginning, found what it was I loved the most about having this little business, and got to work. If it weren't for this amazing foundation and support system I've found here, I don't know what I would have done. The magic here is palpable. There are native healing plants, a large place for us to grow a medicinal garden, an alder tree in the back yard, and all the good vibes. We don't have to force anything here. The creativity flows freely, we are 100% ourselves, and so the magic has made it's way. 

So let's get to it. I brought back a couple old favorites from the past, and created all new items for my personal needs. We do a lot of smoke cleansing here, so you'll see a few pieces for that, as well as new oily goods, and vintage altar finds.

If you've been following me or a long time, you probably remember my ritual candles, and sage bundles. I haven't been able to get to the place I harvest mountain sage from for a couple of years due to the intense wildfire seasons around here, but I have officially added ritual candles back to the shop, and they're even better than last time. I'm so happy with them, that I'll be adding an 8oz amber jar version of them soon as well. This time around they're made with organic beeswax, and are hand adorned with sacred resins, wild sage, lavender, and Palo Santo. 

I tend to use mine one at a time. I put one in my little silver holder, and place it on my altar, or near my bed while I read. They’re unscented, so I often anoint them with oils before lighting them. I've added them to my new Personal Space clearing kits as well, to make small space cleansing a little easier. These kits also contain personal anointing oil roller bottles made with coconut, lavender and Palo Santo oils, and filled with lavender and wild sage leaves, Palo Santo, and sacred copal resin, which will dissolve very slowly, creating a wonderful and rich scent. Full size resin perfumes will be making their way into the shop next month, along with new smudge bundles, and other alter needs. I prefer to work with seasonal items, so spring will also be bringing a bounty of new goods this way.

 I'm still making macramé pieces along with all these new (and old) witchy items, but it will also be in a seasonal fashion, plant hangers will be back as the weather warms up, and driftwood pieces will be available in the Summer months, as for now I'm adding little Diffuser Hangings  much like the ones from past drops, but with a darker look and better details. I've narrowed down my colors, and aside from custom pieces, which are currently available, I'll be sticking with neutrals from now on. They just suit me best.

I spent a lot of time over the last 8 years chasing something I thought I wanted. There was an image I had in my head that I thought was the real deal, and it turned out to be nothing at all like what I needed, or really wanted. Change can be so uncomfortable, especially after a long time, but sometimes it's necessary to make the move in order to strike it rich in life.  I think a lot of us get caught up chasing the wrong dreams, so if something doesn't feel completely right about your current situation, I highly recommend making the leap. Stop chasing that fools gold.

I'm hoping to be back to posting here regularly now that I've made my way home. I just want to take a second to thank every single one of you who takes the time to read these posts, and support my venture in any way. I see you all, and I appreciate you so much. 

It's been a long strange trip, welcome to the wolf den.


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